See the original version of this article on BGR. Samsung accidentally confirmed a new version of the Galaxy S8 Hitman: Absolution download section contains: 4 mods, 23 wallpapers, 7 trainers.

Verizon already killed its secret unlimited hotspot deal Download for free files to Hitman: Absolution. If you want to download the first level of Hitman for free, head over to /Free. Not bad for one of the best games of 2016. Buy HITMAN Xbox HITMAN Square Enix LTD Action & adventure MATURE 17+ Blood, Suggestive Themes, Drug Reference, Strong Language, Intense Violence Users Interact +Offers in-app purchases. And speaking of the full game, it’s currently on sale for up to 60% off on some platforms. If you end up wanting more Hitman once you’ve spent enough time in the ICA Facility, you can keep all of your progress when you upgrade to the full game.

There are also thousands of player-created missions in Contracts Mode and 17 achievements or trophies to collect, depending on which platform you choose. In the ICA Facility, which is where the prologue chapter of Hitman takes place, players will be able to play through two full story missions (complete with cutscenes), take on two Escalation Contracts and attempt to complete more than 40 challenges.